A complete storage hot water system made up of a Rinnai INFINITY commercial continuous flow gas water heater (external or internal unit), a pump, a thermostat and controller, and a 315 L Demand Duo cylinder.
How it works
The thermostat senses the temperature of the water in the cylinder, and when it drops below the set point, the pump is activated. The flow then starts the Rinnai INFINITY, which returns heated water to the cylinder.
For smaller commercial (small motels), or larger residential where a large quantity of hot water is required quickly, but there is recovery time available before next use. For example filling a machine or filling a spa bath. For commercial applications the water heating system must be sized and installed to written guidelines from Rinnai.
Hard or aggressive water will need to be treated to use this system. If in doubt please test before use.
Not suitable or approved as a pool heater.
There are multiple Demand Rapid systems, too many to list here, than can be made from a combination of the below components. For further details refer to the Demand Rapid flyer within the Downloads tab.
DN20 ¾ " BSP female
850 kPa, 99 °C, 46 kW
230 V AC GPO
700 kPa (not supplied)
500 kPa (not supplied)
DD1200E315 & DD1200i315 | DD1212NE315, DD1212i315 & DD1250E315 | |
Raised 25 °C | 1500 L/h | 1700 L/h |
Raised 35 °C | 1250 L/h | 1400 L/h |
Raised 45 °C | 950 L/h | 1200 L/h |
Raised 50 °C | 875 L/h | 1100 L/h |
Raised 55 °C | 800 L/h | 1000 L/h |
IPX4 (cylinder, control box, and Rinnai INFINITY)
Top down heating released June 2019 (superseding previous bottom up heating system)
Rinnai has two types of systems for larger domestic and commercial hot water applications. Our article will give an overview of the two systems and which one to choose for your application.
We’d like to reassure you that gas will continue to be part of New Zealand’s energy mix for years to come, even as we move towards carbon neutrality as a nation.
Read ArticleInstalling a commercial water heating solution has it’s advantages when you use Rinnai, as this customer found out.
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