Linear black magic reflective side panels




*RRP above is for the 1000/1500. $683 for the Linear 800.

Linear black magic reflective side panels

Black glass reflector side panels, designed to replace the existing ceramic side panels that come standard with the Linear. The black magic accessory kit enhances the flame picture by producing a mirror image of the flames. Ideally installed at the same time as the Linear as retrofitting will require removing a number of components, which will add cost and time.

Click on the gallery image below showing two fires. The top image is the 1000 double-sided log set model with the glass side panels installed, the bottom image is the 1000 double-sided modern media model with the standard ceramic panels.

If being installed at the time of installing the Linear, the panels will be installed before adding the burn media.

Suitable for these products

To be purchased as an accessory when ordering the Linear. Suitable for the Linear fires only.

Order codes
• 800 → R2910
• 1000/1500 → R2911